You have a right to be comfortable in your clinic. We can help you with:
Contact Stacey Durgin Smith (218-927-7224) in Aitkin County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact C&TC Team: 763-324-4280 in Anoka County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Karol Berg (218-847-5628) in Becker County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Dorothy Walton (218-333-8155) in Beltrami County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Mariah K. (320-968-5281) in Benton County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact David Bothun (320-598-7313) in Big Stone County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact C&TC Team: 507-304-4163 in Blue Earth County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Public Health: 507-233-6820 (Toll Free 888-359-2809) in Brown County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Mary Jo H. (218-879-4511) in Carlton County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Kelly Voelker (952-361-1329) in Carver County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Renee Lukkason (218-547-6825) in Cass County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact David Bothun (320-598-7313) in Chippewa County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Jenny Schmidt (651-213-5235) in Chisago County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Deniece M. (218-299-7221) in Clay County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Lisa S. (218-694-6581) in Clearwater County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Grace Grinager (218-387-3605) in Cook County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Angela Naumann (507-847‐6918) in Cottonwood County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Denise Sjodin (218-824-1075) in Crow Wing County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Public Health: 952-891-7500 in Dakota County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Kristin Cerda (507-635-6150) in Dodge County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Patty Hobbs (320-763-6062) in Douglas County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Chera Sevcik (507-526-3265) in Fairbault County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Carrie B. (507-765-2653) in Fillmore County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Michelle Severtson (507-377-5100) in Freeborn County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Jane S. (651-385-3200) in Goodhue County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Patty Hobbs (320-763-6062) in Grant County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact C&TC Team: 612-543-2222 in Hennepin County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Mary Zaffke (507-725-5810) in Houston County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Community Health: 218-237-5464 in Hubbard County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact C&TC Team: 763-689-1711 in Isanti County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Casey S. (218-327-2941) in Itasca County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Angela Naumann (507-847‐6918) in Jackson County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Kelly Z. (320-679-6330) in Kanabec County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Ashley Klein (320-231-7800) in Kandiyohi County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Jeanna Kujava (218-843‐3612) in Kittson County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Deb Larson (218-283‐7070) in Koochiching County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact David Bothun (320-598-7313) in Lac qui Parle County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact LaReesa S. (218-834-8378) in Lake County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Marla Carlson (218-634-1795) in Lake of the Woods County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Vanessa Holicky (507-357-8246) in Le Sueur County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Kristin Deacon (507-836‐6486, 2102) in Lincoln County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Kristin Deacon (507-836‐6486, 2102) in Lyon County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Aimee E. (218-784-5427) in Mahnomen County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Ashley Fredrickson (218-745-5154) in Marshall County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Rebecca Sokoloski (507-526‐3265) in Martin County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Nicole M. (320-864-3185) in McLeod County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Jenny Crowe (320-693-5394) in Meeker County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Kristine Klopp (320-983-8373) in Mille Lacs County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Karen Athman (320-632-0356) in Morrison County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Tricia N., Austere A. (Karen language), or Rain P. (Karinni language) at Health & Human Services: 507-437-9701 in Mower County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Kristin Deacon (507-836-6486, 2102) in Murray County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Jennifer Seeley (507-934-7229) in Nicollet County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Shari D. (507-295-5360) in Nobles County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Aimee E. (218-784-5427) in Norman County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Joan Kotschevar (507-328-7458) in Olmsted County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Kathy Hendrickx (218-385-5505) in Otter Tail County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Amanda Englund (218-681‐0876) in Pennington County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Amber Stumne (320-216‐4140) in Pine County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Kristin Deacon (507-836‐6486, 2102) in Pipestone County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Codi Lehmann (218-281-3385,2222) in Polk County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Patty Hobbs (320-763-6062) in Pope County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Ramsey County(651-266-2420) in Ramsey County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Amanda Englund (218-681‐0876) in Red Lake County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Kristin Deacon (507-836‐6486, 2102) in Redwood County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Kendra Wubben (320-523-3725) in Renville County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Zahra Mataan (507-333‐3818) in Rice County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Kristin Deacon (507-836‐6486, 2102) in Rock County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Joann Lambrides (218-463-3211) in Roseau County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Alicia B. (952-496-8587) in Scott County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Alex S. (763-257-7344) in Sherburne County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Whitney N. (507-237-4000) in Sibley County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Sarah Lehrke (218-725-5275) in St. Louis County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Mike Matanich (320-656‐6141) in Stearns County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Christine Hoffmann (507-444-7656) in Steele County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Patty Hobbs (320-763-6062) in Stevens County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact David Bothun (320-598-7313) in Swift County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Debra D. (320-732-4512) in Todd County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Patty Hobbs (320-763-6062) in Traverse County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Amber Reidt (651-565-5200) in Wabasha County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Lisa S. (218-631-7629) in Wadena County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Sam Holicky (507-835-0647) in Waseca County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact C&TC Team: 651-430-6750 in Washington County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Michele Johnson (507-375-3294,7865) in Watonwan County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Ashley Wiertzema (218-643-7122) in Wilkin County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Betsy Zeller (507-457-6424) in Winona County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact Public Health: 763-335-0280 in Wright County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
Contact David Bothun (320-598-7313) in Yellow Medicine County about scheduling, services, clinics or other questions you may have.
If you're part of the Fond du Lac Tribal Nation, please contact Noel R. (218-878-3790)about any questions you may have.
If you're part of the Red Lake Chippewa Tribal Nation, please contact Laurel Lussier (218-679-0150)about any questions you may have.
If you're part of the White Earth Band of Ojibwe Tribal Nation, please contact Bryanna Chilton (218-983-3286)about any questions you may have.